Speakers Bureau

Speakers Bureau

Only active members in good standing will be included in the FBINAA Speakers Bureau. We are actively seeking to expand this list to provide the maximum benefit to our chapters/members and their agencies. If you would like to be considered or know of anyone you would recommend, please complete or have them complete the Speaker's Bureau Application above. Once the applicant has been vetted and approved, they will be added to the FBINAA Speakers Bureau.


The FBINAA Speakers Bureau has been created to assist chapters/members in locating dynamic and experienced speakers for their events who have already been endorsed by other chapters and/or members. This is a resource tool for members to share their experiences. It is the responsibility of the chapter/member to negotiate any and all speaker engagements, and applicable speaker fees, etc. Below is the current list of speakers we have compiled to date, listed by topic area.

FBINAA Speakers Bureau Application


Speaker Categories


If you have questions regarding the Speakers Bureau please contact Tony Bailey at tbailey@fbinaa.org.